Packed, Loaded, and Temporarily in Boulder
Whew! I’m glad that is over. Although I did very little compared to the movers, we just spent the last three days watching two guys pack up our house and load it onto three different trucks- one for air, one for sea, and one for storage. Even though I didn’t do much more than direct where things should go, take down Christmas lights, and clean up left over garbage, it’s still very exhausting to move and I am glad part one of the move is over.
I’m also very thankful for professional movers. We’ve been lucky enough to have professionals help us during our last three moves and I don’t how we could ever go back to doing it all ourselves again. I have huge respect for the men and women that spend their lives packing and moving other people’s belongings. My back hurt from moving just a few items, while the movers lifted and loaded a whole house like it was nothing.

I honestly have no idea how Thomas and Garth (our movers) fit the majority of our belongings into a 20 foot container (note to self: next time we need a 40 footer). These guys should perform down on pearl street as they are part magicians, part puzzle masters, with some mad arranging skills.
They also have the social skills to go along with their spacial genius and are darn pleasant to be around. We had a number of conversations over the past three days including talks about kids (9 kids between us), gay cruises, HBC colleges (historically black colleges), the Dallas Cowboys and their lack of playoff appearances, and Shaun the neighborhood wandering kid/man. I respect that they learned each of our kids names and actually spelled “slone” right every time it was written (a big deal in my book).

So where are the Slone’s? Since our house is empty and our flight to Nice doesn’t leave until next Tuesday, we are spending our time at a hotel in Boulder. We were originally planning to leave on Friday, but we are having to wait an extra few days to pick up Fluffer’s USDA certificate so that she can get into France without issues. Between now and next Tuesday we will be spending most of our time in Boulder, eating as much of the food we love as we can, seeing friends, and enjoying a short break before the adventure in France officially begins.
If you want to grab a coffee, beer, or some food, get in contact with April or myself and we can set something up. Right now we are planning to be at Oskar Blues-Tasty Weasel in Longmont on Sunday afternoon from 4pm to 7pm or so. Come by and say hello as it may the last time you see us for a year or more- unless of course you are planning to visit us in France.
A week from now, we will be in France- hard to believe.